Sunday, 21 June 2020


Technology and modern world is the reality. An advancement of technology in all industries had made whole world become a global village and changed order of the world much better than earlier. Conversely, the impact of new technology in modern era and human attitude are disrespect to the nature as a result of detrimental effects on environment and opens the door to welcome much more deadly diseases to this planet. COVID-19 is a new entry to this earth, disturbed total phenomena of the world. This blog is an attempts to explain that how this pandemic affects every spheres of lives over the surface of the ground.
Family, pat on the shoulder, is the psychology of everyone. This is the place to share love, to show affections and to develop intimate emotional bond among members of the family. Indeed, traditional Indian family has discrimination in relation to share of household work between both genders. Since, women are multifaceted, It’s quite obvious that working women in family carry out the tasks such as; cooking, cleaning the house, washing of clothes, vessels, and nurturing the children. At present scenario, the dominated male gender developed humane to accept role changes as conspicuous evidence in adaption of females’ task in the family.
We live in society is child-centered. Most of both working parents schedule depends upon their children. In spite, parents are not having a lavish time to spend with their kids as the children are fragile, agile, vulnerable, and needs more parenting attention. The new pandemic episode had made the children in family to feel very much contented that having of their parents is the peer members for their play. In addition, old age people grasped concern of young adults in the mean of consideration, entertainment, and involving them in decision making; these are the efforts to annihilate the senility of aged.
Monotonous work scheme had made fed up of human mind. Instead, to escape from routine plan at job site, everyone forced to find new style to accomplish duty with maximum comfort level. Thus,invent of machines by technological advancement in work place decreases drudgery of people. Nowadays, in fact, telecommunicating is the reality for the progressive nation, made easy to complete herculean task. For instance, during lockdown, the telecommunication attracts the world for smooth running of their business firm to alien land in the form communicating to distant land population in the absence of themselves. Besides, there are some industries solely requires physical presence for their better outreach. Hence, the real lockdown is the sensible only to them.
Next, “To whom all in the west are fatty cats” is the latest trend as the result of Yuppie culture in the west side of the world. The impact of Yuppie culture (purposeless shopping) had made significant changes in the savings of people over the world. This crisis reminds people, the importance of savings to lead basic lives and for the posterity. In addition, a grand family functions, festivals, and celebrations are spent in very little money in the form of simplicity.
Over population and revolution in the automobile industry made more vehicles and traffics in the outskirts. Therefore, environmental hazards and global issues such as; water contamination, air pollution, damage of the ozone layer, green house effects, deforestation, desertification,destroying of arable land, global warming, complete destruction of fossil oil, and needs to find different energy sources are given crucial importance to find the immediate solution. This complete lockdown considerably reduces the environmental pollution and found fewervehicles in the subway of the city. In addition, physical activities of public are improvedtremendously by walking or riding bicycle to complete their routine task in the mean of activity of daily living.
Every nation had their own rules for the progression of the country and welfare of their citizen. The responsibility of conscientious citizen is to abide the rules and etiquette of the nation. Disrespect to the government norms is offense and the evil effects are inevitable. To cite on an example, In fact, people in the developed nations of the word, the USA and the Italy, are not given substantial importance to maintain social distance during the latest pandemic attack. Thus, increases the victims and the death rates are steeply in the increases.
This world is meant for all living beings in flora and fauna and every species on earth have equal rights to live. Cruelty on wild animal is robbing of their freedom and against animal rights. Displeasing behavior towards species obsoletes its breeding and exterminates many species from this planet. At the movement, “Stay home and safe at home” is the slogan for human beings, created by the powerful nature. Instead of this, many wild animals take over the streets of human beings around world. For example, wild boar in Haifa, Israel takes over on the roads as the residence stuck indoors.
The purpose of money is to serve for the needy people. Humanity, helping to others, is the big assets of human beings. World shutdown, brings down the global economy and brings out the characters of humankind known as; kindness, sharing, love, affection, sympathy, trust, genuineness and empathy. These are the qualities had made people to offer sums of currency to the government pandemic relief, many volunteers from Non-governmental organization helped the poorer in the form of providing food, drugs, and make arrangement to lead their daily lives.
Overall, nature of the world taught us a very big lesson that how to lead our lives in simple way, importance of growing up with mother’s nature. Since, it is the responsibility of everyone to handover the beautiful earth with precious resources to the posterity. Therefore, respecting to the nature is the only idea to taste the spice of the world forever.

Prof. Nagappan M.K.
Career College of Nursing